
By the light of the silvery moon...silver's back story

By the light of the silvery moon...silver's back story

Hello Friend! I come to you today with a little talk of silver…in my last blog post I shared all about karat golds so I thought it was only fair to give silver a spotlight too.  Silver is a bit simpler as you really only see sterling silver used in jewelry. But what is it? This jewelry is stamped ‘925” because it is 92.5% silver. The other 7.5% is usually copper, added to give strength to the metal. It would be too soft for jewelry otherwise.  Now sometimes you can find other metals mixed in to mitigate the tarnishing quality...

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The thing about golden carrots 🥕✨

The thing about golden carrots 🥕✨

It's easy to forget sometimes that what you know isn’t what everyone knows–I realized this recently as I struck up a conversation with a new friend about gold purity. I’m essentially talking about the difference between 14k gold and 22k gold and what exactly a karat is anyway.  To begin at the beginning–what is a karat? It is a unit for measuring the purity of gold. 24 karats is pure gold–there is no higher karat than that! This means if you slice a pie into 24 wedges, all of them are pure gold. My kind of pie! You might be...

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Opal gazing and how to feel better

Opal gazing and how to feel better

Hello friend! I’m coming to you in this month of May to talk about something a little different. Actually I had thought of writing this newsletter even before realizing that May is mental health awareness month, so now it’s really fitting the theme.  While I’m feeling great today, the last couple weeks were rough!!! And I felt the urge to reach out and tell you that if you experience depression (or anxiety) I see you! And I thought that if I could lend a comforting word or a bit of hope then it was important for me to do so. ...

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The Rainbow That Saved Me

The Rainbow That Saved Me

Hi friend! I had a little paint left in my tube with this whole color conversation I’ve been having (we’ve been having?) over the last few letters. Let’s be real I could probably talk about color for ever more. But for now, I thought this topic wouldn’t be complete without bringing in the chakras.  The truth is I get anxious at the thought of revealing my inner freak to you–but it’s probably too late for that anyway. By now you know I’m an artist, I’m into crystals, meditating, and (gasp) energy! Meditation and the chakras are pretty mainstream now, not...

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What do mango eating cows and turquoise have in common?

What do mango eating cows and turquoise have in common?

     Have you ever come across a color (in a sunset, a flower, a work of art) that really drew you in? I sometimes find that perfect hue in just the right moment; my eyes drinking in the beauty and filling my spirit. This happened with a sapphire I picked up recently, it literally made me gasp and I knew it was mine.  I’m not sure if it’s just the artist in me but I’ve been pondering this rainbow palette that is our reality. My recent trip to India offered such a rich visual feast at every glance. Buildings...

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